Root Canal Treatments | Services | True North Family Dental Care

Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatment is a process in which the nerve and infected tissues are removed from a tooth and the nerve canal space is sanitized, shaped, and filled with a material to seal the canals.

This procedure often gets a bad reputation due to the discomfort (sometimes extreme discomfort) that patients experience from tooth damage or decay that results in a tooth needing a root canal treatment. The actual process of having a root canal performed is not painful.

When It Is Recommended

Root canal treatment is used when the nerve in a tooth is dead or is in the process of dying. Tooth fractures, decay, dental work, or physical trauma can result in injury to the nerve in a tooth. Due to the poor blood circulation in an adult tooth, the body’s usual healing and infection fighting mechanisms are more or less ineffective. Once bacteria get into the nerve chamber of a tooth, it is usually only a matter of time before the nerve begins to die.

The process of the nerve dying can cause:

  • hypersensitivity to temperature
  • extreme throbbing pain
  • pain to pressure
  • Swelling in the area of the affected tooth

When these symptoms begin to surface, root canal treatment is used to remove the nerve in the tooth, drain infection, sanitize the nerve canal environment and seal it off from further bacteria colonization. Root canal treatment has a great track record of success but, long-term is only as good as the final restoration put on the tooth. A tooth is sealed with a filling after root canal treatment, but for the best long-term prognosis a dental crown must be placed on all root canal treated posterior teeth.

The Process

Once sufficient anesthesia is achieved in the area, the nerve canal space in the tooth is accessed and the space is cleaned and shaped with a series of special files and cleaning solution. Once the space has been shaped and sanitized, the space is sealed with a biocompatible material that is safe for the body. An x-ray is taken to confirm that the space is sealed properly, then a filling is put in the tooth to seal the access to the canal space. If the tooth is going to be crowned, the crowning procedure is usually booked at least a month after the root canal treatment to allow for proper healing and ensure that the treatment was a success.


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